Treatment Gallery
Endondontic Cases performed by Dr Stephen Tang
Primary Root Canal Therapy
Maxillary 1st molar with acute root curvature
Conservative access through crown of maxillary 1st molar
Mandibular 1st molar
Mandibular lateral incisor with 2 root canals
Obliterated pulp chamber and calcified canals
Warm vertical condensation obturation of mandibular left 1st molar with radix entomolaris
Orthograde Retreatment
Mandibular 1st Molar with a ledge in the mesial canal
Periapical healing following root canal retreatment
Root canal retreatment on 25 with a periapical abscess
Failed root canal therapy in the maxillary central incisor with extruded material in the periapical area.
Apical surgery performed following orthograde retreatment.
External Cervical Root Resorption
Mandibular 2nd premolar - Surgical repair of ECRR
Open Apex
MTA Apical Plug - Healing of the apical lesion at 3-year review
Specialised Endodontic Care
in Macquarie Park, Sydney
@2024 - Macquarie Park Endodontics